I'm LJ Harris. I own Aroha Weddings and design the venues with YOU in mind. I started designing wedding venues whilst looking for the perfect place for my own wedding to my handsome husband and sidekick, Brandon. We found a few places around that were alright but nothing felt right. Nothing felt like it was 'us'. We couldn't find anywhere that had exactly what we wanted. So there was only one option left, to design it myself!
Everyone who saw the venue loved it, so I thought I'd offer it to others. And from that, I decided to offer a range of venues with the option to customise them to make them personal for each couple.
We currently have 11 venues to choose from and there are others in the pipeline, so stay tuned!
We offer many services and very reasonable prices. In fact, we're often told we should charge more, but we want to keep everything affordable so couples aren't too financially stretched for their big day.
I look forward to meeting you in world soon!
Take care

About Aroha Weddings
My home is Aotearoa, New Zealand. The maori word for love is aroha. When thinking of a name for our wedding business I could think of nothing more appropriate than the word 'aroha'. Not only is Aroha Weddings about celebrating the love between you and your partner, it's also about creating an environment filled with love for our couples to enjoy. Anything you want, we can make it happen!
Much aroha to you